Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are looking forward to welcoming all our students back to school.
We hope that you all had a good summer, despite the rain.
The schedule for each year group's return to school is attached.
It is important to check the iclass messages on the App as we get closer to the 23rd of August, just in case there are any late changes/messages that you need to be aware of.
Please note that the times originally printed on the book lists for each year group have changed for 2nd,3rd, 5th, and 6th years. 1st and 4th/TY remain as they were printed on the book lists.
To see the schedule for the return to school,Student Schedule for Opening Week 2023-24 , and make a note of the amended times for the return to school.
We would also ask that both you and your child read and be familiar with our Uniform Policy Uniform Policy , to ensure that your child is prepared for their return to school.
Kind regards, Senior Leadership Team