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St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush
Europe's first CFES School of Distinction

Return to School 2020

All letters, updates from school related to the safe return to school


This schedule is provisional and it may be changed at short notice as required in keeping with our Covid 19 plans for a safe return to school.

Monday 31st and Tuesday 1st September 2020 - No classes for students

Staff Covid19 Training/ Whole School Planning Meetings/ Subject Department meetings/ Year Head and Form Teacher Meetings/ Student Support Team Transition Year TeachingTeam / Leaving Certificate Teaching Team/ Senior Leadership Team/Middle Leadership Team/Covid19 Team/ Subject Department Team

Monday 21st September- No classes for students- Covid 19- review and plan staff day.



1st years

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Days and dates

Time Event/Location

Friday 4th September

11.00am - 13.00pm

1st years must come into the school by gate B.

Year Head and Form Teacher in classrooms. Getting to know your school. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information.

Please refer to text received regarding rooms

Monday 7th

No Classes

Tuesday 8th

8.50am- 13.20pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

Wednesday 9th

8.50 am- 13.20pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

Thursday 10th

No Classes

Friday 11th


See your class timetable for what room to go to

First years will be based in the rooms outlined above for all of their classes except for language and option subject classes

1st Years - come into school by the gate B at 8.50am. Lunch 12.00pm -12,20pm - classes end at 3.15pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 12.55pm

Please note:

Monday 31st and Tuesday 1st September 2020 - No classes for students

Staff Covid19 Training/ Whole School Planning Meetings/ Subject Department meetings/ Year Head and Form Teacher Meetings/ Student Support Team Transition Year TeachingTeam / Leaving Certificate Teaching Team/ Senior Leadership Team/Middle Leadership Team/Covid19 Team/ Subject Department Team

Monday 21st September- No classes for students- Covid 19- review and plan staff day.

Additional Information:

The information and training about COVID 19 procedures that you must follow as a student in St Joseph’s will be given to you before and on your first day you return to class.

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

Students in 1st, TY/4th and 5th years classes will be advised of their new form class group when they return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their phone, and check the school website regularly.


2nd Years

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Days and dates

Time Event/Location

Thursday 3rd September

09.00am - 11.00am

2nd years must come into the school by gate B

Year Head and Form Teachers in classrooms. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information

2A - go to room 33

2B - go to room 31

2C - go to room 24

2D - go to room 46

2E - go to room 47

2F - go to room 48

Friday 4th

No Classes

Monday 7th

9.05am - 13.20pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

Tuesday 8th

No Classes

Wednesday 9th

9.05am - 13.20pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

Thursday 10th

9.05am - 3.15pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

Friday 11th

9.05 am - 12.55pm

See your class timetable for what room to go to

2nd Years - come into school by the gate B at 9.05am. Lunch 12.00pm -12.20pm - classes end at 3.15pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 12.55pm

Please note:

Monday 31st and Tuesday 1st September 2020 - No classes for students

Staff Covid19 Training/ Whole School Planning Meetings/ Subject Department meetings/ Year Head and Form Teacher Meetings/ Student Support Team Transition Year TeachingTeam / Leaving Certificate Teaching Team/ Senior Leadership Team/Middle Leadership Team/Covid19 Team/ Subject Department Team

Monday 21st September- No classes for students- Covid 19- review and plan staff day.

Additional Information:

The information and training about COVID 19 procedures that you must follow as a student in St Joseph’s will be given to you before and on your first day you return to class.

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their phone, and check the school website regularly.


3rd Years

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Days and dates

Time Event

Wednesday 2nd September

12.30pm - 2.30pm

3rd years must come into the school by gate A

Year Head and Form Teachers in classrooms. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information.

3A - go to room 33

3B - go to room 31

3C - go to room 24

3D - go to room 46

3E - go to room 47

3F - go to room 48

Thursday 3rd &

No Classes

Friday 4th

No Classes

Monday 7th

9.05 am - 13.20pm

see your class timetable for what room to go to

Tuesday 8th

No Classes

Wednesday 9th

9.05am - 13.20 pm

see your class timetable for what room to go to

Thursday 10th

9.05am - 3.15 pm

see your class timetable for what room to go to

Friday 11th

09.05am - 12.55pm

see your class timetable for what room to go to

3rd Years - come into school by the gate A at 9.05am. Lunch 12.00 -12.20pm - classes end at 3.15pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 12.55pm

Please note:

Monday 31st and Tuesday 1st September 2020 - No classes for students

Staff Covid19 Training/ Whole School Planning Meetings/ Subject Department meetings/ Year Head and Form Teacher Meetings/ Student Support Team Transition Year TeachingTeam / Leaving Certificate Teaching Team/ Senior Leadership Team/Middle Leadership Team/Covid19 Team/ Subject Department Team

Monday 21st September- No classes for students- Covid 19- review and plan staff day.

Additional Information:

The information and training about COVID 19 procedures that you must follow as a student in St Joseph’s will be given to you before and on your first day you return to class.

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

Students in 1st, TY/4th and 5th years classes will be advised of their new form class group before they return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their phone, and check the school website regularly.


TY/4th Year

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Day and date

Time Event

Friday 4th September

09.00am - 11.00 am

TY/4th years must come into the school by gate B

Year Head and Form Teachers in classrooms. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information.

Monday 7th

No Classes

Tuesday 8th

09.05am - 13.00 pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Wednesday 9th

No Classes

Thursday 10th

09.05am - 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Friday 11th

09.05am - 13.00pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

TY/4th years will be based in the rooms outlined below for most of their classes

TY/4th Years -come into school by the gate B at 9.05am Lunch 13.00 -13.20pm - classes end at 3.20pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 1pm

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

Students in 1st, TY/4th and 5th years classes will be advised of their new form class group when they return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their

phone, and check the school website regularly.


5th years

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Day and date

Time Event

Thursday 3rd September

13.00pm - 15.00pm

5th years must come into the school by gate A

Year Head and Form Teachers in classrooms. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information

Friday 4th

No Classes

Monday 7th

08.50am- 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Tuesday 8th


see your timetable for what classes to go to

Wednesday 9th


see your timetable for what classes to go to

Thursday 10th

No Classes

Friday 11th

08.50am - 13.00pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

5th Years - come into school by the gate A at 8.50am. Lunch 13.00 -13.20pm - classes end at 3.20pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 1pm

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

Students in 1st, TY/4th and 5th years classes will be advised of their new form class group when they return to school.

5th year option for English, Maths and Irish will be advised of their class group when they return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their

phone, and check the school website regularly.STUDENTS SCHEDULE FOR OPENING WEEK 2020-2021

6th years

Please note Gate B is the student gate and Gate A is the main school building gate

Day and date

Time Event

Wednesday 2nd September

10.00am - 12.00 pm

6th years must come into the school by gate A

Year Head and Form Teachers in classrooms. Covid 19 workshop and safe return to school information

6A - go to room 33

6B - go to room 31

6C - go to room 24

6D - go to room 46

6E LCA 2 - go to room 47

Thursday 3rd

No Classes

Friday 4th

No Classes

Monday 7th

08.50am - 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Tuesday 8th

08.50am - 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Wednesday 9th

08.50am - 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Thursday 10th

08.50am - 3.20pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

Friday 11th

08.50am - 13.00pm

see your timetable for what classes to go to

6th Years - come into school by the gate A at 8.50am. Lunch 13.00 -13.20pm - classes end at 3.20pm Monday -Thursday. Friday 1pm

No year groups will assemble in the hall, students go to the room indicated above on the first day you return to school.

All form class groups are subject to change should our COVID 19 protocols require us to change groups.

Every person, students, teachers, SNAs and office staff will have to follow the new one way system in St Joseph’s.

There are no exceptions to this and will require students to have appropriate outdoor wear for days when it is raining.

There is additional information to follow for the safe return to school. Parents/Guardians will have to have the iclass st Joseph’s school App on their phone, and check the school website regularly.

NEW!! - PDF Link of Letter from Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Glynn 1st September 2020: Open Letter ACMO to Parents English 1 September.pdf

NEW!! - PDF Link of Letter from Ms Hayden, Ms O'Boyle and Mr Nealon to Parents/Guardians Wednesday 19th August 2020:Letter from Ms Hayden, Ms O'Boyle and Mr Nealon 19 August.pdf

Contents of Letter -

19 August 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope you have had a safe and peaceful summer so far and your family are keeping well. At the end of July the Department of Education and Skill published the Roadmap for returning to school. Since then the Senior Leadership Team and staff has been working to prepare the school for the new school year and we are delighted that many of the required changes are already underway.

Staff Preparation for School Reopening

All staff will have a Covid Training Day on Monday, 31 August.

There will be a Staff Conference on Tuesday, 1 September.

There will be a Staff Covid 19 procedure review and planning day on Monday 21 September – students will not have classes.

Student Induction Days

There will be a staggered return to school for all year groups. This will begin on Wednesday, 2 September with induction for 3rd Years and 6th Years. This staggered start will continue until Friday, 4 September by which time all year groups will have attended school for an Induction Programme. Further details regarding these days will be sent to parents/guardians nearer the time.

Parent/Guardian Information Evenings

All Parent/Guardian Information Evenings will take place online this year and a list of the Parent/Guardian Evenings will be issued in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, our practice of inviting parents/guardians into school at the start of term cannot go ahead this year but we are looking forward to connecting with you all online.

School Uniform, PE, After School Study

Initially, all students will be required to wear the school uniform shirt/blouse and jumper or full uniform if they so wish. Leggings are not permitted. Transition Year students have a school tracksuit. Other years will be permitted to wear appropriate tracksuits to school on days when they are timetabled to have PE. Transition Year students must wear their St Joseph’s tracksuits or school uniform. Students will be expected to maintain high standards of hygiene in relation to their school and PE clothing.

Face Masks

It is now recommended that teachers and other school staff as well as post-primary students wear face coverings, similar to those worn in shops or on public transport, when a physical distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. The correct use of face masks is key and will form part of the health and safety guidelines which we will be addressing at our Induction sessions with students. Students will be expected to wear face masks in school. The Covid 19 equipment list will be published shortly.

School Lunches

Due to the need for social distancing the school lunch break will be reduced to a 20-minute break. As we are redesigning our hall to create teaching spaces, we will not be providing lunches in the canteen. All students are required to bring a lunch in a lunch box. Students will be required to take leftovers etc. home in the lunch box and the lunch box should be cleaned each evening. For Health and Safety reasons, students will not be permitted to leave the school building during break or lunch. We will have more information about school lunch in the coming week.

Covid-19 Response Plan

We are currently finalising our St Joseph’s Secondary School Covid-19 Response Plan. This document has been ratified by the Board of Management at their meeting on Monday, 10 August. We will be sending the Response Plan to all parents/guardians in advance of our return to school.

Summer Holidays and Return to School

It is a requirement for all persons returning to Ireland from countries not on the ‘Green List’, to self-isolate for fourteen days. If this applies to your child, you must inform the school and your child should not attend school until fourteen days have elapsed.

COVID Vulnerable Students

For schools like St Joseph’s, which are at full student capacity with no ‘spare’ classrooms, we really are being required to think outside the box. We are currently reimagining our entire school building to ensure the full return of students in line with Public Health Advice and the Roadmap for Reopening Schools.

However, if your child is deemed vulnerable due to health conditions or personal circumstances, we need to plan specifically around their needs. We already have a St Joseph’s Health Register but in light of COVID we ask that all Parents/Guardian of students that may be in this category to e-mail the Student Support Team at with the subject title:

COVID Vulnerable Student (Year and Class)

Please include a full description of the vulnerability in light of COVID Pandemic in the email body. If further information is required we will follow up with you individually.

Routine and Wellbeing

While final decisions have yet to be made about how the school will fully reopen it is worth highlighting some key points:

  • Our focus for the students upon return is establishing safe routine and supporting their wellbeing.
  • Instructions issued by the school in the coming weeks (drop off, use of materials, lunch time procedures, entering/exiting the building etc.) must be fully adhered to.
  • Getting the basics of health and safety right is the first step in supporting your child’s learning.
  • Promoting personal responsibility at home and in school will be essential in protecting our school community.
  • It is unlikely that there will be a return of extra-curricular activities in the short term.

There is still much to finalise in relation to the start of school and we will be communicating with you in the coming week with further details. We will continue to email updates, send messages on the school App linking to school website and updating school Twitter account (@stjosephsrush). If any direct concerns arise, you can email the main office at

Finally, can I say well done to all of you for the actions you have already taken to ensure the health and safety of our community. While the planning required to reopen St Joseph’s in a few weeks is enormous I am confident, with your help, that we will be able to achieve this safely.

Yours faithfully,

Patricia HaydenJudi O’BoyleDaragh Nealon

Principal Deputy Principal Deputy Principal

Jan 29
Senior Cycle Options Parents 7.30 pm
Feb 01
CAO closes for entries
Feb 03
February Bank Holiday St Brigid's
Feb 04
Mock LC & JC Exams
It is a time when we celebrate and recognise the unique opportunities of Catholic Education. It is celebrated all over the world during this week. The theme for this year is Alive in Christ.
All 1st, 2nd, TY and Leaving Certificate Applied students will be taking part in a Reading for Pleasure programme 'Lets' Read', a targeted intervention to improve literacy levels.
Convent Lane, Rush, Co. Dublin
01 843 7534
One Good School Award 2022-2023
Digital Technology Awards
One Good School Award 2022-2023
© 2025 St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush