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St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush
Europe's first CFES School of Distinction

Attendance Drive - November 2019

20 Day Challenge Attendance Drive, November 2019
Attendance Drive - November 2019

In November we are hosting our first Attendance Drive.

The aim of this is to get students and parents/guardians to think about the importance of school attendance and encourage the students to attend every day. There will be prizes and competitions within the school to promote this.

However, we need you, the parents/guardians to get on board. Encourage your child to attend school every day. November is the season of coughs and colds but unless a doctor’s visit is required, we would advise you to send your child to school. However, if your child is out sick, please always write a note in their homework journal.

Did you know, missing just one day a week over the school year can add up to missing almost 200 hours of class time!

I would also love some parents/guardians to get involved in helping me run this great initiative. Please contact the school or Yvonne Kiely if you are willing to help out at all.

I look forward to hearing from you and seeing your child attend school every day.

Check out the presentation that you child saw at assembly this week here: 20 Days, November Attendance Drive

Yours sincerely,

Yvonne Kiely

HSCL St Joseph’s School
Tel: 018437534

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Convent Lane, Rush, Co. Dublin
01 843 7534
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© 2025 St Joseph’s Secondary School, Rush